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Umpire invitation for the 2019 ITTF World Junior Table Tennis Championships and Advanced Umpire Trai

Deadline: 26th August 2019 (Monday) @ 4.00 PM

The ITTF Umpires and Referees Committee (URC), in cooperation with the Organising Committee of the 2019 World Junior Table Tennis Championships, cordially invite National Associations to nominate International Umpires (IU) for this prestigious event, which will take place in Korat, Thailand, from 24 November to 01 December 2019. The hospitality starts from lunch on Saturday 23 November 2019 through to breakfast on Monday 02 December 2019. The nominees, or their Associations, are responsible for all related travel and insurance costs. Please note that by submitting a nomination, the Association confirms its responsibility to ensure the nominee has sufficient financial support for airfare, an additional night’s accommodation, the course and exam fees.

You may nominate the following:

1. ONE International Umpire who has achieved Blue Badge status, or, alternatively, has attended a certified Advanced Umpire Training course and passed the Advanced Rules Exam (Blue Badge in Progress); and

2. ONE International Umpire (White Badge) who has been an International Umpire for at least two years, active internationally, but has not yet attended an AUT course. Any nominee in this category should be one of your best newer umpires, capable of achieving Blue Badge status within two years.

It is ITTF policy to encourage female participation whenever possible, so please encourage your female umpires seriously to consider applying for this prestigious assignment. As an incentive, if one of the umpires nominated in 1 or 2 above is female, you may also nominate one extra umpire (a third nomination) in the Blue Badge or Blue Badge in Progress category.

Umpires need to arrive no later than 23 November 2019 and attend the Referee Orientation planned for the evening.

An Advanced Umpire Training Course (AUT) will also be conducted on 23 November 2019 from 08:30 to 18:00 thus arrivals are expected on 22 November 2019 for those attending the AUT course. All qualified White Badge Umpires selected for this event MUST attend this course.

Participants (or their Associations) will be responsible for the course and advanced rules exam fee of US$50, plus the additional night’s accommodation. Certified URC Trainers will conduct field of play evaluations for umpires working at the Championships.

Please submit your nominations to TTAM via email, copy to State TTA (State endorsement required), Mr. Lee Su Hau ( and Ms. Corrine Wong ( no later than 26th August,2019 @ 4.00 pm. Please use the attached nomination form. Late submissions will not be considered.

Since this is an open invitation, unfortunately many umpires nominated may not be selected. The selection will be based on geographic boundaries, and an appropriate division between Blue Badge, Blue Badge in Progress and White Badge umpires. The URC will confirm the selection by no later than Friday 28th September 2019 and an announcement will be made on the ITTF website.

Thank you for your support.

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